If you are looking for a church to call home or you’re just visiting, we would love to have you at one of our services at Calvary Gulf Coast. Our purpose and our heart is glorify our awesome God, love His people, and lead those who don’t know Him into a life-changing and loving relationship with Him. Our fellowship is made up of all kinds of people from all walks of life that all have one thing in common: Jesus Christ. We come together with the purpose of growing closer to Him and growing closer to each other and we would love for you to be a part of that with us. If you would like to join us, we meet every Sunday morning at 10:00 and every Wednesday night at 6:30PM.


At Calvary Gulf Coast, we desire for our weekly services to be a time in which a body of
believers come together to engage in the study of the Word of God, the worship of God,
and fellowship with one another all in a relaxed and friendly environment. We place a
heavy emphasis on the expository (verse-by-verse) teaching of the Word of God so that
we may teach the whole Bible, to make a whole Christian, to reach the whole world. As
stated in our Articles of Faith, we believe the worship of God should be spiritual,
inspirational, and intelligent. During our time of worship, we sing a variety of
contemporary Christian worship songs to an audience of one, being Jesus Christ alone.
We desire for all fellowship between believers to emulate the example set for us in Acts
2:42, a body of believers dedicating themselves to teaching, fellowship, breaking of
bread, and prayer. We highly encourage you to come as early as you like and stay as
late as you like to engage in this fellowship with other believers.


At Calvary Gulf Coast, we adhere to the command given to us in Proverbs 22:6 of raising
up children in the way that they should go. Our children’s ministry offers classrooms that
are clean, safe, and led by loving members of our fellowship with a heart for ministering
to children. During our main service, our children’s ministry leaders lead your children in
interactive biblical teaching so that your child may know God, learn His Word, and
experience His love. Our children’s ministry serves a variety of ages groups being
nursing infants and toddlers, pre-school through kindergarten, 1 st through 3 rd grade, 4 th
through 6 th grade. We can assure you that your children will be loved, protected, and
given the Word of God.


At any one of our services, you can find everything from casual everyday clothing to
business casual attire. We encourage you to wear whatever is comfortable for you. We
see in 1 Samuel 16:7 that God is not concerned with our outward appearance; He is
concerned with our heart. If God isn’t concerned with your outward appearance, we
won’t be either. However, we do encourage all members of our fellowship to maintain


2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly
or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”. Tithing is not a requirement to be
considered a member of our church nor is it a requirement to attend. We encourage all
believers to give as God leads them to give. We do not pass around an offering plate nor
condemn those who are unable to tithe. If you wish to partner with us and support our
ministry, you can drop a love offering in the offering box in the back of the sanctuary or
here on our website or in our app.


We believe in supporting and enabling missionaries around the world to spread the
Gospel and make disciples of all nations as Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28. We
support missions and ministries both locally and internationally. The current list of
missions we support is:

Regalos De Amor | Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Our Father’s House Missions International | Haiti, Puerto Rico, Mexico
Cornerstone Foundation | Honduras
Good News Global | Harrison County, Mississippi


Calvary Chapel began in Costa Mesa, California in 1965 under Pastor Chuck Smith at
Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Pastor Chuck placed a heavy emphasis on the
expositional teaching of the Word of God, going through the Bible verse by verse,
chapter by chapter, and book by book and attracted thousands of believers with this
style of teaching. Pastor Chuck opened his heart and his church to a generation of
hippies and surfers searching for truth and the Holy Spirit began a great revival at
Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa which is commonly referred to as the Jesus Movement. In
the wake of this awesome move of the Holy Spirit, Calvary Chapel has grown into an
international association of over 1,800 churches around the world including our church,
Calvary Gulf Coast. If you would like to know more about Calvary Chapel’s distinctives
and its history, you can visit www.calvarycca.org


Calvary Chapel is not a denomination; it is an association of churches with common
distinctives and a common goal: to equip God’s people with the full council of God
through the teaching of the entire Word of God. Every Calvary Chapel is individually
governed and led by the Holy Spirit.


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