Just So You Know, God Loves You

John 15:9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 

There is no greater revelation than this.  That Jesus, God the Son, loves you.  This isnt the typical word we flippantly use in our culture.  It is Agape in greek which means unconditionally.  There was no word for a love so intense so a word was coined.  He loves you in spite of you.  No matter what you have said, or done.  He values you to the point He that knew no sin became a sin sacrifice on the cross in our place.  He died to give us life.  Now, what must I do with this new found love of Gods?  I am to live in Christ and He in me.  Many religions say they are peaceful and loving but truth is in the actions.  What other god ever died for me?  Oh how He loves us so!  Today, whatever your going through, just know this, Jesus loves you very much.

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