Abasing or Abounding in Christ

James 1:9 Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, 10 but the rich in his humiliation

I love how the Lord evens everyone before Him.  He also doesn't pick sides.  Look, simply, if your poor, you can rejoice in that you are rich in Christ.  Its not your lack of faith to be poor.  Its not your drive to attain the riches of this world.  As a child of God, you are a shoe in to heaven.
Yet, for the rich & wealthy born again believers.  You can rejoice in that you are not in bondage to your riches and you trust in your Lord, not your wealth.  Without Jesus, all the money in the world cant satisfy.  We see some wealthy men in the Bible who lived for God and didn't live for wealth.  Job, David, Abraham, & Solomon for the most part.  The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil.   
As Paul stated, whether I abase or abound, I learned how to be content in Christ.

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