A Call to Reason

Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Nice John.  He definitely  is not a soft politically correct preacher.  John see's these hypocritical religious leaders, who claimed to be the only way to know God, and just asks them a simple question.  He called them a family of & from venomous snakes, a truthful statement none would dare make in that day.  The head snake being satan.  Who warned you to flee Gods wrath and come humbly to God?  Did John force them?  Did the high priest encourage them to repent and respond to Johns message?  No, the only answer, in which John hints at, is that they are for maybe the first time of their lives, responding to the Holy Spirits call to come!  If any voice but the Spirit leads us, its the wrong voice.  There is a wrath coming upon a Christ rejecting world, true, but Jesus came to save us from Gods wrath.  He is our only hope and salvation.

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