Live dont worry about tomorrow
Matt 6:34“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
we should live with eternity at mind. We must prepare our lives and hearts now for eternity. However, we cant worry about tomorrows outcomes that most likely wont happen anyways. I have to much today to be focused on and trust God for. People have serious health conditions due to worry. We cant afford to to so.
we should live with eternity at mind. We must prepare our lives and hearts now for eternity. However, we cant worry about tomorrows outcomes that most likely wont happen anyways. I have to much today to be focused on and trust God for. People have serious health conditions due to worry. We cant afford to to so.
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Worry seems to have been my middle name it seems my whole life but am getting better I think about it. Sort of. Not as much about the future now because I know that it's in His hands but I have not been able to make the worry about the past settle down. Worry about the effects I see from past failings that I have caused.