Paul (69 ad)
Nobody has been more in the spotlight of Christianity as Paul other than Jesus. Paul would have been familiar with Jesus during His life on earth but with the angle of an enemy. He would be converted on the road to Damascus, to round up the persecuted church unto death. He sought to stomp out the flame of the gospel but instead was set ablaze from no other than Jesus Himself. Paul's name was Saul of Tarsus. Paul wrote 2/3's of the New Testament and was a scholar of the Old Testament. There are two basic accounts that every atheist must explain in order to explain away Christianity. The First is obviously Jesus' resurrection. The second is Paul's conversion. Paul would travel all over the known world spreading the gospel, planting churches, even pastoring some, yes some. Jesus would tell Paul upfront that he would suffer many things, brought before kings and great rulers, and his lifes account proves Gods word true to this.
Tradition states that Paul was killed the same day as Peter, under Nero's satanic rage against Christ! Paul was beheaded. He fought the good fight, he finished the race, & he kept the faith. Now its our turn! How am I fighting the fight, running my race, keeping the faith?
Tradition states that Paul was killed the same day as Peter, under Nero's satanic rage against Christ! Paul was beheaded. He fought the good fight, he finished the race, & he kept the faith. Now its our turn! How am I fighting the fight, running my race, keeping the faith?
New StartWalking Worthy of the CallingWhy Leave the Grace of God?Abasing or Abounding in ChristGod Delights in His Children Coming HomeHow Can I Be Like Jesus?Godly Desire Leads us to Glorify GodJust So You Know, God Loves YouTurn From & Turn ToBeing Led By ScriptureA Call to ReasonOur Actions MatterWhy Did Jesus Need to be Baptized?Father, Son, & Holy SpiritSave me LORDThe Faithful MartyrStephen's MartydomJames the Great (apostle)Philip the Apostle (54ad)Matthew (60ad)James the Less (63 ad)Matthias (70 ad)Andrew the Apostle (70 ad)
John Mark (68 ad)Peter (69 ad)Paul (69 ad)Judas-Thaddaeus (70 AD)Bartholomew / Nathanael (70 AD)Thomas (72 AD)Luke (93 AD)Simon the Zealot (74 AD)John (98 AD)John the Baptizer (30 AD)Ignatius (107 A D)Polycarp of Smyrna (155 A D)Justin Martyr (165 A D)The Scillium Six (180 A D)Perpetua, Felicity, & Blandina (203 AD)Germanicus (155 AD?)Origen (254 AD)Cyprian (258 AD)Valentinus (269 AD)The Theban Legion (286 AD)
Long winded PreachingDifficult Callings are still CallingsA whole Bible makes a Whole ChristianPurchased by His Blood.Am I a Giver or TakerDirection or Information by the Holy SpiritIm Set to Join My LORDLook, focus on these thingsSame Steps as Jesus' trialThe Power of a Personal TestimonyChosen to Know, See, & Hear GodKeep it Simple, PRAYDon't trust this worlds systemsWisdom among EnemiesLORD stood by meKill Paul or die tryingDon't Put Jesus OffThe Resurrection is Mind blowingCrazy or SoundHow Powerful is Gods WordFight Conventional wisdomGod, why go through this storm?My Pain is Your Gain
What Shall I Do In Rome?Our Roots as GentilesStay at Home JobExperiencing Gods WordHow do I become Wise?Simplicity isnt always goodTrust in your LORDGods CommandGenuine FaithTeaching Sound DoctrineEmpowered by the SpiritChrist' MissionFight the Good Fight of FaithAvoiding a Titanic DisasterMen's Spiritual DutyJesus Is GodJesus is LightThe Great Shama
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Fighting with the flesh, the world, and the devil, (Sunday’s sermon) is not easy. Looking at the face of Jesus and keep on fighting the good fight of faith involves: running from sin and pursing things such as righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. It is a choice to pursue God’s will and a life of faith on a daily basis. It is about deciding to fight the temptations and factors that pull away from God and instead lean into Him. Stand firmly, anchored in the word in the power of the Spirit, reckoning ourselves dead to our feelings and our human reasoning, not letting sin rule in our mortal body by obeying its lusts. We have to do what Jesus says: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.“ Luke 9:23.
n Help Me Lord to be dead in the flesh and to fully submit myself to Your will so I can continue and finish the race. I desire to hear your voice Lord Jesus saying, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Amen.
Amen, just keep your eyes and heart upon Jesus and you will be alright.