Cyprian (258 AD)
I come to a challenging martyr. Cyprian was a very learned bishop of Carthage in North Africa. The church at this time was very angry & divided. Persecution had now endured many generations now. The roman emperor Decius had poured out some of the bloodiest persecutions the church would endure and never before had so many Christians compromised their faith. He offered them a ticket out of persecution if they would sacrifice to the roman gods. Many took it but didn't help in the end. Some did not and died immediately. Now, why Cyprian is a very controversial christian. It was thru this persecution that he fled into exile until Decius' death. Could Cyprian bring the church together when he couldnt stand as most others did? This is a question not easy to answer but can only be found in Gods great grace and plan. We often think all our paths should look the same as everyone else. Not so, Jesus and Moses were both in exile during persecutions. Not running from pain but putting it off until the right day is appointed only by God. We know how they influenced the generations after them! Now, Cyprian, I have no doubt felt like filth for his exile but he belongs on this list of martyrs as well as any other. He was no coward. One of Our biggest desires of our flesh is self preservation. None are void of this but must work thru this. Decius didn't get Cyprian but under Valerian, Cyprian stayed and stood for Christ! Now stalwart, he would be arrested, asked to give over his contacts, but he refused. He spoke to those, as himself, that were awaiting their death, and said, "From this earth and from these sufferings you shall speedily come to the kingdom of heaven." Cyprian helped his executioner by blindfolding himself after he knelt in prayer, surrendering his life in peace now and treasuring the life to come, to meet his Jesus! Its never how you start but how you finish ya'll. Our stories are not over yet.
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John Mark (68 ad)Peter (69 ad)Paul (69 ad)Judas-Thaddaeus (70 AD)Bartholomew / Nathanael (70 AD)Thomas (72 AD)Luke (93 AD)Simon the Zealot (74 AD)John (98 AD)John the Baptizer (30 AD)Ignatius (107 A D)Polycarp of Smyrna (155 A D)Justin Martyr (165 A D)The Scillium Six (180 A D)Perpetua, Felicity, & Blandina (203 AD)Germanicus (155 AD?)Origen (254 AD)Cyprian (258 AD)Valentinus (269 AD)The Theban Legion (286 AD)
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Oh, the fathomless grace of God. So thankful that our beginnings and middles may fall so short, but He doesn't let us end like that. He gives us the grace to finish strong.
There are many people who are martyrs for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. EVEN AT PRESENT! The question is: ARE YOU READY WHEN TIME COMES TO STAND STRONG FOR YOUR FAITH? I am sad but proud of Sarah, one of the students who was killed because of her strong faith in Jesus Christ. She didn’t denied Him when she was asked about her faith. She was shot and killed. I cannot forget the young people who was killed because of their faith 9 years ago at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, where Chris Harper Mercer was asking students about their faith and shot them dead when they didn’t denied Christ. How many people remember these young people?
nA student named Sarah was given a chance to live. She was asked about her faith and she said she’s a Christian. Chris Mercer gave her a chance to live but she needed to denied Jesus Christ as her savior. If she denies Jesus Christ as her savior she’ll live but if not, she’ll die. She chooses to die for Christ because of her strong faith. I’m so proud of her strong faith. May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to guide and bless us with a strong faith like Sarah.