Peter (69 ad)

One of the most famous disciples of Christ, Simon Peter.  He was a brother to Andrew.  Peter was from Capernaum, north of the Sea of Galilee.  He was born into a family of fishermen, in which he was set to assume as well, just until Jesus came across his path.  The first and last words Jesus would speak to Peter was "follow Me" (mk 1:17, John 21:22).  Peter took Jesus up on this and he lived a full life and died a faithful death for Christ.
There are volumes of biblical accounts of Peter and one of the greatest is his revelation God gave to him on who Jesus is, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Matt 16:16). Peters impulsive nature often would blurt out great truths & courage but also huge mistakes.  It was Peter who brought the gospel to the gentiles in Cornelius' house.  Tradition states Peter would spread the gospel to Babylon to the east as well as Rome to the west later.  Not sure if he started the church in Rome but definitely a great influence figure. Nero, whom was believed to have been responsible for burning down most of Rome for his gain, blamed the Christians for this.  Thru this persecution, Nero took it out on Peter as well.  Peter was crucified upside down because he did not consider himself worthy to be crucified with his head upward as his LORD & Savior Jesus Christ was.
No, there is zero evidence Peter was the first Pope!  He was also married to a beautiful bride.

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