Germanicus (155 AD?)

Germanicus, referred to as the forgotten Martyr. He was a young Christian convert under Polycarp who attended the church of Smyrna. 
We know little of his life of roughly 15 years, but moreso of his death as a bold courageous Christian. Sometimes, a Christians death, in how we die, can be more glorifying unto the LORD than the many years we lived! Jeremiah is a prime example of this!  You sow seed of righteousness, none listen, but those seed grow and produce after you leave! God gave the increase! Germanicus would be sent to the Smyrna coliseum shortly after Polycarp and torn apart by wild beasts in front of a hyped up loud crowd. His Chrisitan courage was so evident to many that several folks converted to the faith from his example. Before his death, as was common by the Romans, they pleaded for him to save his life by simply disavowing Christ as the LORD! He would not, and his last words are recorded and powerful "I'm to be the sooner freed from their unjust and lawless life." Well done good and faithful servant Germanicus, enter thou into the the joy of your LORD! Now, this is what a powerful youth can achieve in this life!

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