Stephen's Martydom

Stephen was a Spirit filled man charged to serve people practically and help the widows.  He had an amazing biblical understanding as is displayed in Acts 7.  He could of easily been a church leader but that's not everyone's call.  You can be an amazing Christian grounded in Gods word without being a pastor/teacher.  
After His summary of the Old Testament, the religious crowds, headed up by a evil man named Saul of Tarsus, took him out to be stoned to death!  Evidently, the Jews took their capital punishment back.  I love Stephens faith & trust in Jesus his Savior.
Acts 7:56 "Look! I see the heavens opened & the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!"  Stephen kept his eyes upon Jesus until the end.  What an example for me.  We also see wonderful characteristics of God we would have never had given faithful witnesses as Stephen, didn't follow through in their faith.  You & I must do the same!  Allow those learning from our lives to see God thru our pain.
As Jesus prayed, Stephen prayed LORD receive my spirit.  He then knelt down & cried, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin"  He then was murdered and passed unto eternal life to meet his LORD Jesus Christ to forever be with Him.  Not a bad witness huh?  Stephen showed so much of Jesus thru his life but mostly thru his death.  I pray I'm could shine for my Savior in even the most difficult circumstances.

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