The Faithful Martyr

I have decided to take my devo's in a specific direction.  I'm will be undertaking a journey of some of the millions of faithful martyrs in Christ church history.  Obviously, there are millions!  I will seek to honor their commitment to our great LORD and Savior.  I will remind myself, at bare minimum, of those hero's of the faith who passed to the torch from Jesus to me.
Its quite fitting that my 1st honoree is Jesus Christ.  Luke 23:34 "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  Jesus was & is perfect.  He committed no sin yet He became sin for me.  He took my curse and took my punishment upon Himself.  We often lessen a Martyr to be one who dies for a cause!  That is a cheapened understanding of the word.  The word Martyr actually is witness.  Jesus is the Faithful Witness of the Father and His death sealed this!  Today is not about us, but I will say, I am a Martyr currently as I am a faithful witness of Christ but my story isn't sealed yet as long as I'm here.  I have not finished my race yet.  I have not heard well done good and faithful servant, but those words are coming.  
Jesus paved the way for us.  Jesus is the only reason the millions of faithful martyrs to follow exists.  Every story I seek to highlight of a faithful christian all are linked to Christ.  I want a heart & mindset like Jesus to say, forgive them Father for they know not what they do.  I will never be a faithful witness without keeping my eyes upon Jesus.

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