Matthias (70 ad)

Matthias is an interesting disciple of Christ.  We know that he was chosen of two candidates to replace Judas to be the 12th apostle  and he was present at the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts.  That is about all we know of him in the Bible.  We have to go to tradition to fill in anything else.  
To be an apostle, one had to witness the ministry of Jesus & witness the risen LORD.  How cool is Matthias that he followed Jesus though not being in the inner circle of the 12.  That says a lot.  Some Christians wont ever follow Jesus this way.  It speaks volumes about the christian.  Matthias has been overlooked and questioned for his validity as an apostle, even I've wondered that!  Many believe Paul should have had this spot, but God doesn't make any mistakes.  The LORD favored him as all 11 apostles witnessed.  They say, oh, they cast lots which was an old Testament outdated thing!  So, if someone else was picked, would that change the case?  Obviously, Matthias is the 12th Apostle!  What a brother he must have been.  He has my respect for the Holy Spirit filled him. The why and what if's don't really matter.
Matthias is believed to have spread the gospel to Turkey region and he is believed to have been crucified for Jesus.  How many lives did Matthias inspire for Jesus, we will never know but he no doubt did!

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