Telemachus (404 AD)

Telemachus was devoted to Christ and his mark on Christianity was being a peacemaker.  He would give his life for this cause.
Matt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers,For they shall be called sons of God.
He was a not a fighter, yet his greatest fight was an effort & victory to eradicate fighting in the Roman coliseums.  I never knew a Christian, Telemachus achieved this!  God uses us in such amazing ways doesnt He?
Rome had just defeated the Goth king Alaric in Italy. Emperor Honorius celebrated by gladiator fights in the 50,000 seat coliseum in Rome, the one overlooking Nero's statue whom had one of the greatest persecutions upon Christians in Romes history. Telemachus was determined to stop these senseless games of fighting for entertainment which resulted in injury & death. He would jump from the stands into the arena and boldly, or stupidly, you pick, stand between the gladiators.  After the second time, the crowds being annoyed by him, yelled, this is no place for preaching!  One jumped in and pierced him thru with a sword killing him.  The crowds then thru stones upon him.  News spread across Rome and the emperor couldn't believe a peaceful man as Telemachus was killed this way.  Telemachus never knew what his bold stand had done to forever change the Roman games forever. A man living for peacemaking & lost his life fighting in the greatest battleground of Rome.  However, soon after his death, the gladiator battles were banned from the coliseum & Telemachus achieved the impossible. He took his next breath in the presence of Christ and heard the words, welcome good and faithful servant...


Bob - March 5th, 2025 at 6:20am

Telemachus, a peacemaker. I can think of a man currently that has jumped into the arena. Has been attacked for what is right and has shed blood in that arena. The Coliseum here is the Oval office. May God protect him and all of us fighting for what is right.

Jon - March 5th, 2025 at 7:20am

Amen. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. We should reflect Him.




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