Bartholomew / Nathanael (70 AD)

Over human history, there are numerous skeptics of God.  Bartholomew was one of them before Jesus' love broke him.  Philip brought him to Jesus out of much reluctance.  I've witnessed many like Bartholomew in my life, sarcastic and skeptical about Jesus only to fall harder than I, or at least equal to, for Jesus!  His 1st statement recorded for us, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" John 1:46.  Jesus' answer to him, so gracious and loving as He said, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit" John 1:47. Nate's response, How do You know me?  God knows you!  Everything about you and still loves you, isn't that amazing? There is hope in Jesus for you skeptics out there!  He knows you need the real thing in which you haven't found in this world and has left you hard hearted.  Do you know that Jesus is God and He wants you? Bartholomew came to Him saying You are the Son of God, You are the King of Israel.
Bartholomew is believed to have taken the gospel with Judas to Armenia.  He would be flayed, a gruesome form of torture which ripped a persons skin & removed it. He then was crucified in his agony & went on to meet his LORD.

1 Comment

Sondra - February 8th, 2025 at 7:49am

It was His love and mercy that broke me to return to my first love. That same love and mercy healed my brokenness, and showed me greater love than I could ever have imagined.




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