John the Baptizer (30 AD)

I could have started with John the Baptist but will instead end the 1st century martyrs with him.  He actually was considered the last of the prophets, not from the church age, in which Im setting out to honor.  But he was martyred during Jesus' time.  He was a great voice and the forerunner of Christ.  He had a powerful ministry and even set Jesus' ministry off.  Some in the church, have a John like personality.  Bold and strong leadership.  We all know how he was killed, herod Antipas whom stole his brothers wife, listened to his young niece' request to cut off Johns head and place it on a platter.  There is a whole lot of sick issues there to unpack but lets move on to a key question.
Why did Jesus allow His cousin to die this way? John even had moments of weakness and doubt when he sent his disciples to ask of Jesus some things.  Our plans and Gods plans often don't match up, so which one will rule out?   We must not focus on the "why" of life but the "How can this glorify our Father". John was faithful until the end and is with the LORD now.  Though herod thought he silenced John by taking his head, John speaks louder than ever and is far ahead of death.  He conquered death because of Jesus.
So, do you question why me?  So did John, you are in good company.  Why not you?  If not you, who?

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