Walking Worthy of the Calling

Ephesians 4:1  I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called,

Paul doesn't just tell us to walk worthy of Gods calling, he also shows how inadvertently maybe but I believe Spirit inspired.  He was a prisoner of Rome at this time.  But how he viewed it, he was the Lords prisoners alone.  He never broke any laws.  His only supposed crime was spreading of this new Christian way.  He could have denounced his new found faith and many of his persecutions would cease.  Paul knew & counted the cost of following Jesus worth anything coming his way.  This is how you walk worthy of the calling, you consider the calling worthy of your walk.  Who is Jesus to you?  If He is anything less than the Bible tells us, we will never walk worthy of such a high, yet honorable calling.  I'm a prisoner of Jesus now!  I am no longer my own, I have been bought with the price of His blood.  The early church father Polycarp said this before his death, "I have served Christ 86 years and in no way has He dealt unjustly with me."  My life I now live is lived for His glory, not mine, His purposes, not mine.  That's how I will walk worthy of this high calling.   

1 Comment

Luz - January 2nd, 2025 at 9:25am





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