Waldenses Movement (1173)

The Waldenses movement still exists to this day.  It is considered to be the 1st reformation, even before Calvin and Luther. A man by the name of Peter Waldo (Valdo) was its founder.  He was a wealthy man in France and overheard a teaching that a true Christian must be willing to sacrifice everything in this life for the sake of the next. his interest was fueled and he would seek out a priest on how to live like Christ. His answer was from Matt 19:21 as Jesus spoke to the rich young ruler, "If you would be perfect, go, sell all that you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow Me."  Well, thats what he did! He provided adequate income for his wife and gave the rest to the poor. He would teach others to imitate Christ by practicing voluntary poverty, a little misguided I would suggest, but pure in his heart.  His followers were known by as "poor in Spirit".  The catholic church forbade him to preach and he quoted Peter in Acts 5:29, We must obey God rather than man." He appealed to Pope Alexander III, found not to be in heresy, but could not preach unless a bishop invited him to do so.  The scriptures commanded he preach to all with or without approval.  Waldo was a back to the scriptures guy and often took issue with church doctrine.  This movement was during the crusades by the way, when heavy emphasis' were on money and riches! The pope would excommunicate him & his followers for disobedience to his command.  They sought to purify the church by simply going back to the bible. Their goal, salvation through Jesus Christ. The scriptures must rule & no teaching was binding but Christ'.
Through all the martyrdom's of history, the Waldenses survived to the present, only different names.  They founded Valdese North Carolina. During WWII, they provided escape for man Jews from the nazis. Many have joined with the Presbyterian churches found in South America, Germany, and the United States.  I never knew this, but very cool. If only Calvary Chapel could hold on this long, given Jesus should wait.

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