Why Leave the Grace of God?

Galatians 1:6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,

It makes zero sense to walk away from Gods grace.  Not just walk away from grace but to run to legalism.  When has that ever been good for us?  That is a downgrade.  Paul marveled with amazement of this deception.  There is only one true gospel of Christ.  The term different is one from another source all together.  I have learned that there are many supposed gospels out there that all lead you into bondage, not freedom.  Its not good news to live legalistically and beat down because you cant measure up to unrealistic standards.  We all battle this walking away from the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus for various reasons.  I'm amazed how weak my flesh is, even after the many experiences with the LORD, even after the disciplines of walking with Christ, I find myself self righteous or a condemning attitude toward someone else.  The grace of God that I so love is also the grace of God others should experience also.  Grace has changed, continues to change, and will change everything in my life.  I'm staying put.


Sondra - January 3rd, 2025 at 8:33am


Bob - January 3rd, 2025 at 8:39am

The Grace of God has change me. Though I sometimes get caught up in what the world is throwing at me, I don't stay in that attitude too long. I used to look at a person and say, what's wrong with that guy? With judgement! Now when I look at the same guy and say, what's wrong with that guy? Now it's with compassion! He doesn't have to live with his attitude. When you have and hold on to Jesus, the attitude of your heart has changed. I am thankful God has been and is working on my heart. Lord I desire a continual change in my life. Amen




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