John Mark (68 ad)

John Mark was not one of Jesus' disciples.  He is believed to be a convert of Peter, who also gave Mark the gospel account to record.  He was a young man who grew up with Christians coming to his mothers home for church.  He would be along with Paul & Barnabas on mission but would left the ministry early for who knows what.  Mark was a solid Christian and lived his whole life practically loving his LORD.
He was born in Jerusalem.  He is mentioned in the gospels as the young boy at the time.  So he knew Jesus, most likely personally. There are lots of Christians today like John Mark, whom are second & third generational movers in the church.  I didn't grow up in the Jesus revolution but I am in the thick of Jesus' revolution today.  Every long distant runner knows that you need good runners to begin the race, good runners to keep the race in play, and a great closer of that race to bring home the gold metal.  If you are like John Mark, you are needed in Christ' church.
John was believed to have founded the Coptic Church in Alexandria Egypt, the longest traceable Christian group known today.  Now that is so very cool.  
He is believed to have been faithful unto Jesus until death as he would be drug threw the streets because of his refusal to deny Jesus as his LORD.  What example of life John Mark lived for us ya'll.

1 Comment

Bob - February 3rd, 2025 at 8:12am

Lord, give me the stamina to keep running the race, the race towards You.




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