James the Great (apostle)
1 Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church. 2 Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword.
James death was a result of political ambitions of herod. This christian influences were crimping his style, for lack of words. Herod tried to kill Peter but that was unsuccessful. He would later be struck by God and his life was held to account.
James was one of the first disciples, his brother John, would be the only one not killed and would die naturally. Though they tried. James was the 1st apostolic martyr. Not exactly what you envision when you stepped out with Jesus, but he witnessed a totally just Man die for his sins on a cross and knew this day could come. How Courageous James was as he faced the pit of death and stood strong, didnt deny his Lord. James was a trail blazer but he learned it from Jesus. I cant imagine what was going through the minds of the remaining 11 after what happened yo their long friend. The reality of personal safety was shaken, and being a disciple of Christ became a work hazard.
James death was a result of political ambitions of herod. This christian influences were crimping his style, for lack of words. Herod tried to kill Peter but that was unsuccessful. He would later be struck by God and his life was held to account.
James was one of the first disciples, his brother John, would be the only one not killed and would die naturally. Though they tried. James was the 1st apostolic martyr. Not exactly what you envision when you stepped out with Jesus, but he witnessed a totally just Man die for his sins on a cross and knew this day could come. How Courageous James was as he faced the pit of death and stood strong, didnt deny his Lord. James was a trail blazer but he learned it from Jesus. I cant imagine what was going through the minds of the remaining 11 after what happened yo their long friend. The reality of personal safety was shaken, and being a disciple of Christ became a work hazard.
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This is the book and the chapter this morning.
nActs 12:1-2
nKing Herod intended to hurt the church and killed James the son of Zebedee. Then, King Herod was after Peter and put him in prison. He was miraculously rescued by an angel because the church prayed for him fervently and the Lord keep him safe.
nWe must remember that James, when he died, met Jesus and receive a crown of glory. Praise be to God! And, we must remember that God did rescued Peter in his sovereignty, and that was his will, Praise be to God!
nThen, because King Herod did not praise God in the later verse of this chapter, an angel of the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms and died.
nAs Christians, when facing persecution or difficult circumstances, we should remain steadfast in our faith and actively pray for deliverance, as demonstrated by the early church who prayed fervently for Peter when he was imprisoned by King Herod, highlighting the power of united prayer in times of hardship; essentially, it reminds believers to trust God in the midst of adversity and not lose hope, relying on prayer as a powerful tool to navigate challenging situations.