Judas-Thaddaeus (70 AD)

One of two Judas' Jesus chose as a disciple of His, the other Judas Iscariot.  A third was the half brother of Jesus, we know his letter as Jude. The gospel writers all felt it necessary to distinguish him from the traitor Iscariot.  Judas was faithful unto Christ. Judas asks Jesus a very important question, "Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world." (John 14:22) thus we catch a glimpse into the inner issues Jesus' disciples had in understanding Christ' purposes at times. Basically, Judas asked Jesus how He can rule the world without showing Himself to the world. Do I often not get what Jesus is doing?  Do I bring my questions to Jesus as Judas?  
Jesus' answer that came next is what we all need to understand when we dont understand things. "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word" John 14:23
Judas is believed to have taken the gospel to Armenia in which also is considered the 1st christian nation on earth.  He would be killed for his faith by arrows and javelin.  Well done good and faithful servant, Judas.

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