Philip the Apostle (54ad)

Philip was the 1st person called by Jesus.  That is amazing. Not to be mistaken as Philip the evangelist, one of the 7 deacons. He invited Nathaniel to Jesus. He would inform Jesus at the feeding of the 5000 men how much it would cost.  This would highlight what a miraculous work this was. Do we examine the facts facing us yet witness Gods great provision as Philip? 
The most famous interactions of Philip with Jesus was John 14:8, Philip asks Jesus, "show us the Father & it is sufficient for us."  Jesus gave him the most profound revelation of His equality to the Father as He answers, John 14:9 "He who has seen Me has seen the Father."
Philip was the only disciple credited to bringing the gospel of Christ to the region of France.  He also was led by the Spirit in Asia Minor, near the 7 churches of Revelation.  He would be crucified upside down for the crimes of spreading the gospel.  Many demanded his release yet Philip insisted against such. What courage & love for his LORD to finally see Him face to face. May I never seek to save my life but lose it in Christ, as did my brother Philip. Philip was the real deal.


Sondra - January 27th, 2025 at 8:25am

The crime of spreading the Gospel. May I be guilty of that every day of my life.

Jon - January 27th, 2025 at 9:33am

Amen. May they have a plethora of evidence to convict.




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