The Crusades (1095-1291)

There were actually 7 crusades and several various expeditions.  None of them truly were a success but there were short term victories.  These "holy wars" would last over 200 years.  They initially sought to free the holy land, rid the region of Islamic armies, & to be recompensed of monetary & spiritual rewards. Pope Urban II began these crusades with a fiery speech proclaiming, "God wills it!" For over 7 centuries, Christians have tried to forget these crusades but neither Jews nor Muslims ever would to this very day. It is easy for us to dismiss these whole events as to religious bigotry while not understanding the context of the atmosphere by which these were created. The Christian church at the time were no different than us. Their motives were mixed at the time and had conflicts with Islam.  After Sept 11th, I recall this hatred for Muslims that wasn't healthy as well.  "Kill them all if thats what they desire" I would think!  I've repented of this satanic hatred and seek them to come to Jesus for peace, as I have.
Crusade comes from the term, taking up the cross. When they headed toward Jerusalem, they wore the cross on their chests.  When they left, they wore it on their backs. The 1st thru 3rd crusades were somewhat innocent, though naive, yet they quickly turned sinful and blood thirsty for power & money. They would settle scores with their fellow Christians to the east, slaughter Christian cities. There was a real viable chance both Christians & Muslims could have co-existed during the 3rd crusade under Richard the Lion heart of England & Saladin of the Muslims. The popes were not having it and peace doesn't make rich!  We today still haven't learned a single thing about peace and war?  War is money, not morality, most often! 
If the primary purposes of the crusades were to win the holy land, to check the advance of Islam, and to heal a divided eastern & western church, then the crusades failed miserably.  It was the popes, not emperors, who strove to unite Christendom against Islam.  How is that being a peace keeper as Jesus told us? The church was guilty of over reach of power in this world! They should of read Romans 13:1-7 & 1 Peter 2:13-17. 

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