Bishop Gellert (1046 AD)

My do we have another great unknown one! Gellert was understood his duel citizenship. He lived with eternity in mind and heaven being his home. He would be the reason the people of Hungary would hear the gospel. Gellert was born in Venice Italy to a noble family. While he was young, he caught a deadly sickness. In fear for his life, his parents took him to a monastery & dedicated him to God. Gellert would recover and would join the Benedictine order of monks. He would advance quickly but decided to leave the monastery life for the Holy Land.  It would change his life forever!  I can relate with that! King Stephen I wanted to bring the faith of Christ to his people and invited Gellert into his circle, tutor his son for 7 yrs, then spending another 7 yrs studying the scriptures & writing commentaries for the Hungarian people. Gellert was completely given to Christ and the Great Commission his LORD would give a little over 1000 yrs earlier! He cared for the uneducated Christians and his concern for the heathen marked his ministry. He played the biggest role in bringing the Hungarian people to Christ. King Stephen died but had no heir so his sisters son took over. He ruled harshly and the pagans revolted which brought a persecution against all Christians, surprise surprise!  Gellert wasn't slowed down by this but after holding a service by the river, his boat was pelted by stones. He would be captured, stabbed, his body placed in a barrel and rolled down into the river. Gellert's last words were those of Stephen's, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin." His mark upon Hungry is well evident to this Day! To live is Christ and to die is gain! Gellert lived and died to Gods glory!  What a testimony Gellert gave us.

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