Thomas (72 AD)

Thomas was one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus.  He was from the Galilee. He is believed to have taken the gospel of Christ to India and martyred there around 72 AD by death of a spear.
Thomas is unjustly known as doubting Thomas because of the moment after the resurrection when he said he would not believe unless he saw Jesus for himself, he would not believe.  Of course, this is not his best memory but all the disciples were weak in faith until Jesus showed up!  Thomas was guilty of not being with the others thus he missed out.  Many Christians are like Thomas, nowhere to be found when it counts thus they remain in their pity party funk. No disciple had a greater proclamation as Thomas.  Jesus came to Thomas and he said, My LORD and my God!  He never doubted whom Jesus is.  Jesus would then use that as a teachable moment for all of us, Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (John 20:29).  

Thomas wasn't perfect but he was solid.  He had no issue believing his LORD when Jesus came to him.  Jesus will come to anyone who invites Him and believes upon Him.  Thomas proves this and his great love he learned from Jesus moved him to give his life for the people of India.  A doubter wont do that!

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