The Great Divide between East & West

I take a brief Segway to cover the conditions of the Roman Catholic church during the time of the Medieval church. This fight for political & religious power over people came to an explosive point in the church! The geographical distances between the church of the west (Rome) and the church of the east (Constantinople) created great controversy and divisions between who leads the church? Ah, how about Jesus Christ?  What happened during this dark time of the church makes complete sense when you factor in Jesus wasnt making the calls in His church.  The west sought to define Jesus' deity & humanity in the Nicene Creed of 885 yet the Russian & Greek church of the east rejected this.  The crusades were a huge failure, clergy abused their ordination vows, the papacy was caught up in secular power struggles which all created this atmosphere of disillusionment & distrust in the church.  Any similarities today by chance? The church created its own worst nightmare. John Wycliffe translated the 1st bible into English.  This created endless itinerant preachers sent throughout the world bringing a spiritual revolution again. As Europe became more scripturally literate, Christians sought wisdom & comfort for the scriptures rather than coming to the lifeless procedures  & policies of the church and its many traditions.  The bible printed into their common language allowed every believer to become a priest unto their God!  The dark ages are called that for a reason yet God brings us out of darkness & into His glorious light! Where sin abounds His grace much more abounds!  Great reformations of the church that we experience now, would have never taken place if not for the evil corruption taken place in the roman church as eyes were being opened! Any similarities to us today by chance? YES! Light wins. Truth wins.  


Bob - March 12th, 2025 at 7:48am

GOD WINS! I'm thankful for being on the winning team. God is timeless. Consistent. People as a whole are timeless. Consistent. Some good, some evil. History repeats itself.

Sondra - March 12th, 2025 at 8:46am


Jon - March 12th, 2025 at 1:15pm

Just know this, no matter how dark it may get, Christ is just one call away! As we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.

Luz - March 12th, 2025 at 5:50pm

Corruption in churches are still on in different ways until now. Some religions make a business out of the church and use Jesus’ name for fame and fortune. Like those who have TV evangelists program, and they also have their huge buildings (church buildings) and crowds. But God created light to dispel darkness and chaos.

nAs real Christians we need to focus on the light of God.

nJesus is the light of the world. As a follower of Christ, my actions and the way I live should reflect God’s love and truth, encouraging others to follow Him. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.




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