James the Less (63 ad)

We highlight today an unknown hero of the faith, a disciple of Jesus, the brother of Matthew named James the less, the son of Alphaeus.  He is not mentioned having any questions, comments, or actions during his full 3 1/2 yrs as a disciple of Jesus.  He was a faithful follower and I have discovered something about the James' of the church.  There are many like him in our churches.  Faithful men who love their Jesus, proclaim the gospel with their lives, and simply are never mentioned.  I love these Christians.  We need these Christians that are not motivated by pride and attention but faithfully remain. I would stand him next to any well known christian and pick him as a partner in my fox hole any day.  He was attributed to have taken over the Jerusalem church very shortly after Christ' resurrection.  
James the less contributed to the great commission by expanding the gospel east.  He spent many years in Syria, a very popular city called Damascus in which many persecuted Jewish Christians fled to.  He would have been there when Saul arrived.  I'm sure they met.  How much of James influenced Paul, we will never know this side of eternity.  My gut tells me, James the less was more of a powerful voice in the church then our records give.  Can you relate to a James the Less?  You are in good company.
He is believed to have been stoned to death but before he died, Ananias the high priest demanded he deny Jesus as Messiah.  He shouted Jesus as Messiah and was pushed off the pinnacle of the temple, a popular trend for religious Jews to do, but only broke his legs.  He, on his knees prayed, "Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do." Then a stone struck him in the head and he went to heaven.

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