The 40 Roman Martyrs of Sebaste (320 AD)

I have another great one today for us.  Actually 40 for the admission of one day!  In 320 AD, the Roman emperor Constantine of the western empire pressured the emperor Lieimus of the East to legalize Christianity in his region also.  He conceded but quickly receded his promise and commissioned his general Agricola to eliminate all Christians! 
Agricola knew of 40 devote soldiers in the area of Sebaste (now Sivas Turkey) who were devout Christians & skilled in battle. Long story short, he attempted to persuade them to sacrifice to the pagan gods which failed, by offering wealth & honors. The consequences were being stripped of rank & fall into disgrace (dishonorable discharge today). He then placed them into prison to think over the offer.  That night the 40 sang Psalms & hymns.  They prepared to be martyrs! The punishment for their refusal was they were marched out to a frozen lake, stripped of all clothes, while the guards on the outskirts had hot baths ready, warm clothes, hot food & drink just in case they change their minds.  One soldier took the bait.  Seeing this, the remaining 39 cried out to God for strength & help.  Immediately the sun shine upon the lake, warmed them somewhat and upon witnessing this great resolve & bravery, one of the guards, stripped off his clothes, and ran to the middle of the lake to take the deserters place! Reports are, all 40 froze to death by morning.  The 40 soldiers of Sebaste courageously refused to deny Christ. May we have this same courage when anything or anyone may seek to allure us from Christ.
Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

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