Andrew the Apostle (70 ad)
Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was originally one of John the baptists disciple. He would be one of the few present who saw Jesus the Messiah for the 1st time coming to be baptized by John. He heard "Behold, the Lamb of God who is to take the sin of the world." Not long after this, Jesus would call him & Peter to follow Him, & he never went back, ever! What we know of Andrew biblicly is he connected people to Jesus! Thats my goal! Tradition says it was that quality that got him killed. Not much is credited to him but he was always looking for ways to help the kingdom. He was the quite voice telling Jesus of a young boy with 5 loaves & 2 fishes. He seen what God can do with very little. Do you give your little insignificant to Jesus?
Andrew was believed to have taken the gospel to southern Russia (Scythia). One of his converts was a roman woman named Maximilla, the wife of a high roman official, whom when heard his wife loved Jesus now, threatened to crucify Andrew. Andrews words, "Had I feared the death of the cross, I should not have preached the majesty & gloriousness of Christ". A judge pleaded with andrew not to cast aside his life but Andrew responded with equal passion, urging the judge not to cast aside his soul.
Andrew would be crucified on an X shaped cross and preached the whole 3 days alive as he willingly embraced the cross for Christ, his love of his life.
He said about the cross, "The closer I come to the cross, the closer I come to God, and the farther I am from the cross, the farther I remain from God."
Andrew sir, you are the real deal!
Andrew was believed to have taken the gospel to southern Russia (Scythia). One of his converts was a roman woman named Maximilla, the wife of a high roman official, whom when heard his wife loved Jesus now, threatened to crucify Andrew. Andrews words, "Had I feared the death of the cross, I should not have preached the majesty & gloriousness of Christ". A judge pleaded with andrew not to cast aside his life but Andrew responded with equal passion, urging the judge not to cast aside his soul.
Andrew would be crucified on an X shaped cross and preached the whole 3 days alive as he willingly embraced the cross for Christ, his love of his life.
He said about the cross, "The closer I come to the cross, the closer I come to God, and the farther I am from the cross, the farther I remain from God."
Andrew sir, you are the real deal!
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Andrew in my opinion, witnessed his own brother Simon Peter first, and told him that he had found the anointed one. It is amazing to me that he witnessed his own brother first because it is hard to witness to our own family, Like what Jesus said that a prophet has no honor in his own country, but Andrew told his younger brother about Jesus and brought him to Jesus . Simon Peter went with Andrew without any questions. And both of them believed that Jesus is the anointed one who will bring the kingdom of heaven to earth, and to save the lost in this world.
nIt is a fact that when we ask God from the bottom of our hearts God is faithful to give what we asked for. “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.“ Luke 11:9,10. God will be the one who will save the ones who are lost in our family. There are members of my family who got saved because I prayed to God to save them. When I began to share the gospel of Christ, they accepted the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Praise God! He did the impossible possible. I pray that I will continue the work of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring the gospel to the people in need. Use me oh God for your Kingdom! Praying for strength and courage.
Amen. Just bring and introduce people to Jesus, as did Andrew.