But Does the LORD Know Me?
Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Sometimes, we all seem to think we know things we really don't. With the limited info we have, we make life & death decisions. We base a whole belief system around what we assume we know. We avoid what we think is bad or wrong. But what if, what we know is all wrong, or flawed? What if, there is a vast amount of info we have yet to grasp? What if everything that has been programmed into our minds since childhood is somewhat wrong? The world systems, the ways and wisdom of man. The 10,000 religions of the world? The understanding of God, that isn't in the Bible or doesn't look like Jesus? What if our only understanding of God is from men and not a direct, personal relationship with God? I came to the junction where my paths forked. Jesus or everything else! Many have an idea of who God is, but in reality, don't have a clue. Its only when we follow Jesus and surrender to Him. Sit & listen to Him do we finally know Him. When we obey His word. When we experience Him. Now, in all this, getting to know Him, He is making Himself known to us. He will say, yes, I know Jon Holaday. We hang out everyday. Or He will say, no, Jon Holaday never spends time with Me, I don't know him because he wont allow Me too. The latter words, I never want said about me. I know Him, but He knows me! My old man is long dead and gone, the one who had nothing to do with Jesus. My life I now live, oh yeah, I know Him and want to make Him known, and He knows me. Its mutual and God honors that. So, does Jesus really know you? Do you know Him? The best place to do so is read His word, the Bible.
Sometimes, we all seem to think we know things we really don't. With the limited info we have, we make life & death decisions. We base a whole belief system around what we assume we know. We avoid what we think is bad or wrong. But what if, what we know is all wrong, or flawed? What if, there is a vast amount of info we have yet to grasp? What if everything that has been programmed into our minds since childhood is somewhat wrong? The world systems, the ways and wisdom of man. The 10,000 religions of the world? The understanding of God, that isn't in the Bible or doesn't look like Jesus? What if our only understanding of God is from men and not a direct, personal relationship with God? I came to the junction where my paths forked. Jesus or everything else! Many have an idea of who God is, but in reality, don't have a clue. Its only when we follow Jesus and surrender to Him. Sit & listen to Him do we finally know Him. When we obey His word. When we experience Him. Now, in all this, getting to know Him, He is making Himself known to us. He will say, yes, I know Jon Holaday. We hang out everyday. Or He will say, no, Jon Holaday never spends time with Me, I don't know him because he wont allow Me too. The latter words, I never want said about me. I know Him, but He knows me! My old man is long dead and gone, the one who had nothing to do with Jesus. My life I now live, oh yeah, I know Him and want to make Him known, and He knows me. Its mutual and God honors that. So, does Jesus really know you? Do you know Him? The best place to do so is read His word, the Bible.
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I never want to return to those days when I shut God out of my life. The comfort of His Presence, the questions He answers, the experiences shared on a daily basis are the real essence of life.