Jesus Calls Us Out

Matthew 10:1 And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him

People mistakenly say, I found Jesus.  This is not exactly correct.  Jesus was never lost, we were.  We just simply stopped hiding or running from Him.  We discovered, He is good.  Here, these 12 disciples would of never found Jesus, or even followed after Him if it wasn't for Jesus finding them.  We don't one day say, I think Im going to be a disciple of Jesus.  We cant call ourselves.  Jesus called every single one of His disciples and He still calls them.  I don't believe He calls out those whom He already hasn't been tugging their hearts or showing His goodness too.  The behind the scene things nobody knows about but you.  God if You are real, show me who You are or I want to follow after You God.  Then, in perfect timing and never forced, Jesus shows up and says, "follow me."  See, Jesus called every one of these 12.  They were all diametrically opposed to each other, worlds apart, yet all had one thing in common, wanted to follow Jesus, even Judas.  We cant call ourselves.  But we can respond to His invitation and wait for His arrival.  He is no bigger nor is He a forceful dictator.  His Spirit draws you, Invites you, humbles you, and enters you that ask.  Choose to be chosen!  Jesus is calling, do you hear Him?


Sondra - May 10th, 2024 at 7:19am

♥️ 🙌

Lucia Rose - May 10th, 2024 at 8:20am

Praise the Lord he found me! He knocked and I let him in.

Bob Rose - May 10th, 2024 at 8:26am

You found Jesus? There's nothing to find when it is right in front of you.

nJesus is everywhere. On billboars, tv, movies, books, etc.

nI look at it this way.  Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart. Some hear the knocking, go to the door, but look through the peep-hole.

nThey see it is Jesus doing the knocking. They know it is Him. They look at Him like a solicitor wanting to sell something they don't need and at a cost they can't afford.

nWhat they don't know is that what Jesus has to offer, he is freely giving.



nSure,  as followers,  we know it's not an easy path and we do have to give up something. Our old self. Our old way of life. Our old way of thinking. But being a new creation in Christ, what we have to "give up", is so worth it.


Jon - May 10th, 2024 at 1:45pm

Amen ya'll. Jesus has called you. He went out looking for us! Like the hippies in the 60's, we looked for love in all the wrong places. Then Jesus!





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