Is God Truly All You Need?

Matthew 10:9 Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, 10 nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs; for a worker is worthy of his food.

Jesus sent His disciples out.  Not every time, but this time, He gives this command, why? Everything God calls us too will require faith & trust upon Him, upon His Spirit.  Some jobs will require us to see very clearly, He has us every step of the way.  Whether we are working a job to provide for our families or we are, as I find myself now, totally dependent upon the LORD, He provides.  Not one of these are greater than the other but we need both at seasons of our lives.  Least we fall prey to pride, thinking its because of our great skills or talents, or smarts to gain wealth ect.  Whether Im clocking on a job or working directly for the LORD Himself, He provides.  I desire this total dependence upon Him to keep me.  Though I may not have a safety net to return to, they are really overrated.  I've always only needed Jesus!  This is just the biggest step of faith Ive ever had to make.  I'm still standing!  These 12 would need to know Gods provision in a whole new way.  They would need to learn trust in ways they never knew before.  They were courageous to step out.  I want to follow suit!  I don't ever want to force Gods hand in an area He is not leading for sure but I don't want to be the one who says I trust God but cant experience His provision for me in ways Ive never known before.  I'm glad fear didn't have its way with me on this transition.  This journey, though only 6 months old, has truly been AMAZING.  When God is all you have, you discover, God was all you really every needed!  LORD, thank You for Your amazing love & provision for us.


Quincy Wilson - May 14th, 2024 at 6:33am

Lord what a great word ,may I trust you with my whole heart and mind and stop the worry

Sondra - May 14th, 2024 at 6:54am

Amen. The desire of our hearts, Lord, to love You above all and follow where You lead.

Lucia Rose - May 14th, 2024 at 9:43am

Walking by faith and not by sight, "Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed." Even though the enemy put doubts in my heart, I let the Lord handle everything and trust him. I might not see it but I BELIEVE he is working and preparing for relief from what I am facing right now. I know that somewhere down the road he is faithful to pour his blessings upon me. My strength is my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏





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