What is the LORDS day?

Rev 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet

John had the indwelling Spirit of God through belief in Jesus!  Here, John had the overflow of Gods Spirit, epi (upon) experience.  He was overflowing with Christ and empower to be Christ' witness.  All on the LORDS day!  What day is this?  Well, everyday technically is the LORDS day, for He created everyday you have.  Yet, specifically, the LORDS day spoke of Sunday, the day in which Jesus rose from the dead.  Sunday is not the new sabbath.  That is sloppy unbiblical foolishness!  I often heard saints argue with sabbath (saturday) worshipers claiming Sunday is the new sabbath!  Nope, in fact the 7th day was the day God rested from His labor.  Jesus & His disciples often went into the synagogues to read the scriptures and meet the believers there.  Many of these places of worship rejected Christ & His followers.  They would meet & lift up this highest praise to their LORD on Sundays, in homes, in forrests, along rivers.  There was great persecutions against the church.  If you want to be true to what the LORDS day was, it was simply the celebration around the event of the resurrection of Jesus, upon the 1st day of the week, Sunday.  Everytime I meet, I seek to live this resurrected life Jesus gave me to the fullest.  Without the resurrection, there is no LORDS day, no church, no hope.

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Missy Holaday - July 11th, 2024 at 9:08am






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