Outline to Revelation

Revelation 1:19 Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.

Revelation isn't complicated to understand if you simple use the rest of the Bible as a key to unlock it.  Yet, it also gives us here, this simple outline by Jesus Himself.
Write the things that you have seen: This is the previous verses about the Glorified Christ.  This is the first section.  You need to understand, Jesus is alive and victorious over death! Chapter 1 covers this.
Next, write the things that are: This section speaks of the whole church age.  All 7 churches historically in the order they have been given.  Chapters 2-3 cover this.
Side note, we are in the last church age now, Laodicia.  There is this moment in chapter 4-5, the church is caught up to heaven and never spoken about on earth until Jesus' 2nd coming.  We are Raptured in chapter 4:1.
Lastly, write the things which will take place after this:  After what?  After the church is gone to heaven.  Gods wrath is poured out upon a Christ rejecting world.  Chapters 6-19  covers this last section to the outline Jesus gave us.  
See, simple, clear, and perfectly in order with all of scripture confirming the timing of these events in perfect unity. 

1 Comment

Sondra McKee - July 17th, 2024 at 7:12am

❤️ The rich and direct Word of God.





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