What is our Common Faith?

Titus 1:4 To Titus, a true son in our common faith:

This is a very interesting term, common faith.  Obviously, this isnt a bad thing, a knock against Christianity at all.  This is the greatest news for anyone that isn't an elite member of society.  Yet, even an elite member Is included into this if they allow themselves.  The common means not rare, or anyone can be included.  The common language at the time of Jesus' 1st coming was common Greek.  The world  was united in a basic language that almost everyone understood, thanks to Alexander the Great.  The gospel was able to explode all over the known world.  
So, this common faith, well has a single commonality that unites all of us who rally under it.  Jesus!  He unites all believers.  Jude uses a similar term, "common salvation" in 1:3.  In a world full of divisions, the LORD is perfectly united in message and vision with His church.  Yes, there are many churches doing their own thing but that just strengthens my point, as long as Jesus is the head of His church, there are not divisions!  When I focus upon Jesus, I also tend to unite with my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ.  
Jesus has made Himself available to all peoples, ethnicities, & nations.  We are one body, lead by one Spirit, following one LORD.

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