Ordain Leaders for His Church

Titus 1:5b and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you—

How important is good leadership in our churches?  Obviously, all men are flawed by sin and will have a major disadvantage to lead other fallen men in anything noble or holy.  Yet, the word of God doesn't seem to allow this excuse when it comes to leading His church.  Good leadership are those who know their place as leaders in the church whom belongs to Christ.  In every move of God, He will raise up a man, who leads a movement, and unfortunately it turns into a monument.  Some say leaders are born!  Well, yes in that they have to be but I truly believe they are made!  I never think of myself as able to lead anyone or anything yet as I have submitted to Christ over the years, I've learned a thing or two.  I've watched how my Jesus leads, talks, goes the extra 100 miles for those whom don't deserve it.  His compassion is unrivaled.  Then, I find myself walking in His shoes, mimicking my Savior.  He isn't a dictator but loves including His children with Him to rule and lead.  A real leader is a real servant to all.  I will truly tell you, Im inadequate to lead in righteousness in of myself and abilities.  But God, He called me.  He called you.  Not to reinvent the leader role but to follow after Him.  I haven't found a good example of a healthy church who doesn't have a healthy pastor or leadership.  The direction of a church is lead by the direction of a Spirit filled pastor.  Its in the churches best interest to pray for and support their pastor, for their health is at stake.  Pastor Chuck Smith always said this, "the church is never given to a pastor, but the pastor is given to the church by God."  Jeremiah said in chapter 3, God would give them shepherds after His heart, to teach them His word.  Good godly leadership matters in the church.  I will end on this, I have seen these large churches within the last 2 decades that get so large, they set up satellite churches.  Churches with no shepherd or pastor but a message is cast in thru a screen from the pastor miles away.  Sounds good but this, I believe, is in direct disobedience from the heart and vision of God, Paul, and the early church leaders.  Local people need local physical pastors!


Lucy - July 24th, 2024 at 6:56am

AMEN!🙏 I'm so blessed that I have a pastor that is chosen by God to carry His light in this dark world. HE LEADS THE WAY FOR THE LORD.

Sondra - July 24th, 2024 at 7:17am

I am daily thankful to the Lord for placing our pastor with us during this pivotal time in our church. Truth, fidelity and the ability to be stalwart in the faith in this season of the last days is a necessity and a blessing. I agree with Lucy, the Father has provided the leadership we need just at the appropriate time.

Missy Holaday - July 24th, 2024 at 3:18pm

I agree with the above ladies. But I must add, my pastor holds an extra special place in my heart! He's more than the leader of my church. He's the leader of my home, too! 😊





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