We must all Grow in Jesus

1 Samuel 2:21  Meanwhile the child Samuel grew before the Lord.

We must not be fooled about our Christian walk.  Its a process and a life long journey.  We must grow spiritually more than even that of growing physically in life.  As we take in the Word of God and obey what God says, we grow.  When we grow, Jesus Christ becomes bigger & greater in our lives.  We all have room to grow.  Jesus grew in wisdom and stature before the Father.  Nobody, and I mean nobody, is matured quickly.  Some mature quicker than others, but its a lifelong process.  We call this sanctification.  I don't think I have grown more than 1% of my capacity as of yet.  I look forward to the many areas God will teach me and show me about Him more clearly.  I can say honestly, that I see Jesus greater now than ever before.  Do you see your need to grow?  Will you allow the Holy Spirit to work in you?  


Sondra - September 4th, 2024 at 7:37am

While my understanding of the magnitude of the Lord has grown immensely since I first believed, the reality of Him feels like I'm still in kindergarten. I live in constant amazement of Him and His eternal and immeasurable love and grace.

Tonya - September 4th, 2024 at 3:55pm

I seriously feel like I will explode with His goodness!!! BUT WAIT...there's even more?? WOW!!





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