God is Stolen?

1 Samuel 5:1 Then the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod.

The Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of God.  So, the enemy steals God!  How does this happen?  This may sound simple and rather unimportant, but do we really believe someone can take God ransom?  I hope this doesn't hit a nerve, but its moments like this that really test our true trust in the living God.  Our true understanding of whether God can take care of Himself or we have to stand up and protect Him.  Look, Jesus died for me and I at the very least, should live for Him.  But with that said, the world will always seek to thawart Gods agenda.  Does that scare you?  Do you really believe God can be beaten or even in this case, taken by evil men?  
Im a simple mind and this is a simple but amazing story with a huge wealth of insight to how big our God really is.  If we believe God can handle Himself, we will be a lot less stressed in this life.  We are coming up to the most important elections, I believe, in our lifetime, at least mine.  The chaos that will happen if a certain woman wins, I dont think we can ever recover as a nation.  But saying that, God has always been in control no matter what.  Nothing will stop Jesus' reign and I dont think any man will make Jesus' reign happen.  
My honest feelings are these: I dont ever want the enemy to appear to have won!  I dont think God should ever allow that.  However, the Father didnt sanitize the battle when it came to His Son.  Jesus was surrounded by wolves that eventually became satans tool to kill Jesus.  I will leave you with this: Whatever can be stolen by evil men, God already knows and it wont hurt Gods plan at all.  God wins!  More on this tomorrow.

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