A Fathers Personal Desire for His Sons

1 Sameul 8:1 Now it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel. 2 The name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3 But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.

Samuel was a godly man.  He did many things well.  His sons, not so much.  Something to think about here that I never really saw before.  Samuel put his sons into important positions based off what?  I don't believe they exhibited godliness like pops did yet why would Samuel do such?  You don't put anybody in office thinking they will become better.  People in authority or leadership must prove by their lifestyle they can handle such an office.  No, none is perfect, but lets be honest, Samuels sons didn't shine before or after I believe.  Its hard for a dad to acknowledge that the Christian walk we have grinded out was never passed on to our sons.  I can speak for days the testimonies between me and my son as he was growing.  He was on a good projectory with Christ.  Then a couple things got in the way, and it became a difficult season for him.  He has fought through and is heading back in the right direction, thank God for this.  However, as much as I would love for Him to walk in my steps, even blaze his own in Christ, I wouldn't put him in any position to lead unless he proved himself accordingly.  The damage to him and the church would be critical.  Lesson, we cant put ungodly folks in godly positions for this very reason we see with Samuels sons.  I have known of churches that only put family on staff.  Good if the whole family is godly.  But that is very very rare.  Yet, it is my great desire that my son walks in his dads footsteps!  To discover the many experiences of the Holy Spirit for himself.  To take the proverbial bull by the horns, and go further, deeper than his pops ever has.  Samuel, I understand your desire for your boys, but we cant force anything.  Many great Christians have dealt with this very issue.  


Sondra - October 7th, 2024 at 8:46am

Amen. God places people in positions as He desires. The Christian walk can be taught and exemplified, but not inherited.

Luz - October 7th, 2024 at 8:51am

I lay down a Christian foundation for my children when they were young but it’s all up to them to follow the right directions for Christ. My daughters are in the wrong path right now, but I can only show them where I’m at as an example for them. It’s up to them to decide where to go…. the only thing I can do is pray for them. And yes, we cannot force them. It’s a very hard season for them right now. The enemy is devouring children that are vulnerable in this world. Please pray for all the Christian children that are in the wrong path right now, and for those who need to be rescued and saved. Please continue to pray for my daughters. ???





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