
1 Sam 9:21  And Saul answered and said, “Am I not a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why then do you speak like this to me?”

Saul's beginning story sounds like humility.  Looks as if he acknowledges, "who am I" and it may very well be.  I'm not quit convinced with him anyway.  Saul will have amazing experiences but that is due to an amazing God over him.  What I'm saying here, is only my opinion, little hints I have picked up a long my way, maybe even personal experiences.  Humility is a lifestyle not something one stumbles across.  A proud person can appear humble without batting an eye.  Jesus called it false humility.  Saul knew his family was small but I believe he lived in the flesh, often believing the things people would feed him growing up.  He was desired by men.  He was taller than others.  He was picked on the defensive line due to his size every time.  Its easy to believe your own hype or the things people say about you, good and bad.  I could be completely wrong about Saul here, but I don't believe I am.  These type of moves are usually made before this and long after this.  We don't have his life before this interaction but we have plenty of evidence after.  He was a carnal proud man as king.  This success went to his head and devoured him.  David is the true picture of a humble servant leader.  He was also the least of his family.  What do you think ya'll?  I'm interested in your thoughts.  Please comment below.  God anoints Saul but David was always Gods pick.  Saul was mens pick and God gave them the leader they asked for.  


Sondra - October 18th, 2024 at 7:45am

It seems to me that the seed of pride was sown and nurtured in Saul long before Samuel came into his life. Becoming king provided all the nutrients needed to allow that seed to grow and flourish in ways that were not possible before his status changed. The Father knew this, of course, and had the plan for David to succeed Saul in due season. Although David was just as human, and just as fallible, he had the one thing that Saul lacked. David had a repentant heart and a desire to honor God. David had a heart after God's own heart.

Luz - October 18th, 2024 at 8:26am

As a believer, it reminds me to humble myself. In this verse it point out how important humility is, and it warns me against pride which is the core of sins. This also point out my salvation which Christ humble himself to die on the cross for my sins.

nThis verse as I understand, Saul was not qualified as a king. He chooses not to obey God. Therefore God rejected him as a king later. This reminds us to live in humility.

Bob - October 18th, 2024 at 8:27am

Humilty vs Pride. Humility comes from the heart. Pride comes from the flesh.

nI think it can be a fine between the two. It's easier to be humble when you don't have much to show from your life. Saul was the least of his family. Nothing to be proud of there. Not until men lifted him up did he start thinking more of himself. Pride came in or was it already there?

nI would say already there. Pride can show itself when your successes in this life is what you focus on. But humilty can be learned, usually from hard lessons. God wants us to be successful in this life but with humilty. But He will teach us humilty only if we allow Him.

nI've come to realize my sucsesses are not of my own. Sure I had to use my brain, my voice , my hands but God made this creation in me. A work in progress. My God gets the credit.



Jon Holaday - October 18th, 2024 at 6:07pm

Wonderful responses! Great insights, all of you. Anyone else, please, interact as you please? These lessons in Gods word is how we grow personally, in our day. Have a great weekend.





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