God is With You

1 Sam 10:7 And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.

Oh what glorious words I always must hear.  God is with me! I spent way to long living without God.  There is no other comfort greater than having this awareness.  I can never be told this enough.  I never want to be on my own.  If what Im doing doesn't include God with me, I really don't want or need it.  So, are you living today with the desire that God be with you?  Are you made aware that God sees everything you are involved in?  Is Jesus welcome in your daily activities?  Please comment on how you know God is with you today?  I know God is with me as I open His word, study it, apply it to my life, do His word.  I know He is with me as I attempt to be His hands & feet today in this world.


Sondra - October 22nd, 2024 at 7:29am

All of the ones you mentioned. Two days ago I was about to make a poor decision about an unimportant matter. Just as I was about to click on a jigsaw puzzle to work on the computer, the Holy Spirit checked me. I paused, looked up the location and purpose of the buildings in the picture. It was a temple of Buddha. I had made a choice a long time ago not to do puzzles dedicated to false gods. A small thing, but the Lord knew my decision and helped me stick to it. It doesn't sound like a bad thing to do, it's just a building. ..but it could be an open doorway to my spirit. Nothing pertaining to false gods is allowed there. Point being that as we walk with the Lord the Holy Spirit is faithful to guide our decisions. This is the promise made by Jesus.

Quincy Wilson - October 22nd, 2024 at 7:33am

There are so many ways I could reply . I will share this one way as it was the first thing that came to mind . I quite my last job 4-15-24 and asked the Lord many times what do I do now? I never thought I would be the answer to someone else's prayer . So my second day at work 2 of my coworkers were praying together and I said can I join you ? Working with a group of praying Christian women is wonderful. My boss said she prayed for me to join this job how awesome is that to be the answer to someone 's prayer . Is my job hard yes do I want to quit at times yes but it's where God has me because my heart will always be for people with disabilities. Do what God has called you to do that is where your reward lies.

Luz - October 22nd, 2024 at 8:34am

God is involved in my life since I got saved. His spirit dwells within me. He guides me and provides assurance of his presence in times of trouble. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1.

nIt is very important to me to listen and act accordingly to his guidance.

Jon Holaday - October 22nd, 2024 at 6:19pm

Thats some good feedback ya'll. It blesses me to hear how you are being made aware that God is not only been with you, He is still with you. Thank you all for taking the time to read and also comment.





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