How do I Get A New Heart?

1 Sam 10:9 So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.

Saul leaves from Samuel and God immediately gives Saul a new heart.  So cool.  This is what God does.  Only God can change a hard heart.  Now, we know this change was short lasting but that wasn't Gods fault, but Sauls.  At no time does God override mans desires & will, though He does encourage and give us desire.  Saul would get bored of this new heart change.  The pride in him would eventually take him away from Gods best for him.  Let this be an important lesson, nobody is to far that God cant change their heart.  Saul was always able to keep or retain this new heart if humility was what he chased after.  The only way to do Gods will is to have this new heart that Ezekiel 36:25 spoke of.  LORD, I need and love the new heart you give me.  I want my heart to always be softened to Your Word.  My life has been radically changed.  My desire is to bless people now.  Jesus - Others - Yourself.  JOY!  Just curious, how has God changed your hearts?


Quincy Wilson - October 23rd, 2024 at 6:55am

To see people through his eyes . In 2020 I volunteered at a food bank I got to know some of the homeless people everyone has a story sometimes all people want is a ear to listen . Not be judged.

Jon Holaday - October 23rd, 2024 at 9:02am

So very true. Our society often doesnt exhibit common humanity. A Spirit filled, born again christian should. Everyone has a story to give and has value to give. We all would be wise to at the very least, try to listen to their prospectives. Even the most wacked out folks have an element of truth to them. Only Jesus can set us all straight. We have become so polarized againdt our fellow man that we wont even hear each other out. That is to our detriment.





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