Be Angry but Sin Not
1 Samuel 11:6 Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard this news, and his anger was greatly aroused.
Nahash the Ammonite just threatened the people of Jabesh Gilead, Sauls peeps. Timing here is no coincidence. Saul being anointed king of Israel, the enemy breathing threats to challenge Gods people, yep perfectly in line with real world living. When Saul hears of the threats, the Spirit of God came upon him & he became greatly angry. Was this his carnal sin or justified anger? Well, a carnal man Saul was for sure but here the text provides the clear indication that this was the action of the overflowing Holy Spirit upon Saul. This was a righteous anger in which God does exhibit. We are told to be angry but do not sin. How? Well, we are not to be angry at the sinner but at the one behind the sin and the sin itself. Jesus was angry at how the religious establishment exploited the people coming to bring sacrifices to God. They would exchange certified sacrificial animals for money, of coarse at extremely high rates. This caused people to despise coming to worship. Jesus overthrew the money changers! We are to be angry at unrighteousness and not tolerate it. We are to be angry at wicked sins such as sexual abuse on children, or against anyone at that rate! I have on a few occasions felt this righteous anger from the Spirit. You will not be out of control, you will be sound, and you will always leave a bridge of hope to Jesus if one repents. The wrath of man does not equal the righteousness of God. There are many things in this world that those of us with a pulse should have righteous anger over. What are we doing about them? One way is Prayer but also action. Practically tomorrow, you can vote! Vote against evil.
Nahash the Ammonite just threatened the people of Jabesh Gilead, Sauls peeps. Timing here is no coincidence. Saul being anointed king of Israel, the enemy breathing threats to challenge Gods people, yep perfectly in line with real world living. When Saul hears of the threats, the Spirit of God came upon him & he became greatly angry. Was this his carnal sin or justified anger? Well, a carnal man Saul was for sure but here the text provides the clear indication that this was the action of the overflowing Holy Spirit upon Saul. This was a righteous anger in which God does exhibit. We are told to be angry but do not sin. How? Well, we are not to be angry at the sinner but at the one behind the sin and the sin itself. Jesus was angry at how the religious establishment exploited the people coming to bring sacrifices to God. They would exchange certified sacrificial animals for money, of coarse at extremely high rates. This caused people to despise coming to worship. Jesus overthrew the money changers! We are to be angry at unrighteousness and not tolerate it. We are to be angry at wicked sins such as sexual abuse on children, or against anyone at that rate! I have on a few occasions felt this righteous anger from the Spirit. You will not be out of control, you will be sound, and you will always leave a bridge of hope to Jesus if one repents. The wrath of man does not equal the righteousness of God. There are many things in this world that those of us with a pulse should have righteous anger over. What are we doing about them? One way is Prayer but also action. Practically tomorrow, you can vote! Vote against evil.
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The wrath of man does not equal the righteousness of God, this is the one part of this that caught me. I love this statement, because it is so true. We can be mad at the world or even God himself and his righteousness will always be greater then our own wrath. I also seen in here
Sorry hit the return to soon, I was saying that I also seen in here, patience. That is something i struggle with alot, like Saul did. But with the grace if God we will prevail.
Anger. It's an emotional reaction to something heard or seen. Nobody gets angry for no reason. It's not a sin to be angry. It's what you do with that anger that can become sin. Generally I'm not an angry person but I have my moments. Because I have a new heart for Jesus, my anger turns into compassion. The driver that just ran the red light in front of me didn't do that against me. Its not that he doesn't know right from wrong. He chooses to do the wrong thing. Why be angry? However if you were able to confront that person to tell him his actions could harm others and you're met with rejection, anger might be justifiable. Nothing in this world, nothing, will provoke anger in a person except for man. Jesus was angry at the money changers. Was His anger directed at the people or their actions. Love the sinner, hate the sin. I've been verbally attacked without them really knowing me. I don't get angry. I'm sad for them. The "world " is angry. Don't be angry at the world. Be sad for the world. Have compassion. The world has no joy.
Great responses ya'll. Something to consider when talking about our anger vs Gods. They are vastly different. Mans anger is the redult of pride, hatred, jealousy! Gods is only rooted in His compassion, is righteous, and love. Christians often get in the flesh and disguise it as godly anger! I truely believe that the only way you are walking in justified anger is if your walking in love, the 1 Corinthians 13 definition of love! If you fail that, your anger fails the godly variety. I remember a pastor getting so upset at a theif who was stealing from the church. He went to confront the suspect while the police were there even and threatened him. I saw all kinds of carnal murderous anger in him that day. He needed the fruits of the Spirit. We all get angry and then attempt to justify it. Gods word will set us straight.
In a pivotal moment for Israel, Saul emerges as a leader amidst chaos when Jabesh-Gilead faces a dire threat from the Ammonites. His reaction to the news reveals the divine empowerment he receives, triggering a righteous anger that ignites action among the Israelite people.
nRIGHTEOUS ANGER! WOW! Most of the time when I am angry, it is a defense mechanism and it is not righteous anger. I am provoked and I retaliate. I know I sin when I am angry but God’s grace is bigger to cover it all than my anger. I asked forgiveness from the Lord every time I get angry. I asked the Lord to take it away from me. God is still working on me. I also apologize when God calm me down to the person whom I know I hurt coz when I am angry I said things that are hurtful and God know I didn’t mean what I said. As a Christian, I makes mistakes and I get angry, but the love of God prevail because the anger faded. Then , God change my anger to love. I know that the love of God covers my sins. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8.
nWe make mistakes, even when we mean well. Love for each other includes forgiving each other, overlooking past hurts, and building each other up when we fall.