Saul's Oath Caused Sin

Saul's foolish curse caused Israel great sin.  I don't want my foolish Carnal actions to lead others to sin.  My appearance of being super spiritual.  The flesh leads to death.
1 Samuel 14:32 And the people rushed on the spoil, and took sheep, oxen, and calves, and slaughtered them on the ground; and the people ate them with the blood.

Israel was so hungry, they didn't give time for the blood to drain from the animals they were about to eat.  A starving man doesn't think properly.  Its easy to miss important things.  Everything about this story is rotten! All from horrible leadership!  Hungry people eat strange things.  There is hope however for the starving, we can feast on our Lord and Savior who is holy, righteous, and fully satisfying.  


Bob - November 26th, 2024 at 9:56am

We should never be deprived or deprive ourselves of food before a battle. Otherwise we will not be strong enough for the battle.

nThe "battle" being, a physical or spiritual battle.

nWe must feed our bodies and especially our souls.

Luz - November 26th, 2024 at 10:24am

This is a reminder for all of us of the importance of following God's commands even in difficult circumstances. God forbid us to eat blood because blood symbolizes life. The Israelites were exhausted and hungry after the battle and impulsively consumed the meat without properly draining the blood. Saul forbidding them to eat while in the battle, and causes them to sin because of his poor leadership. As a Christian, this is a reminder of the importance of correcting our actions when we realize we have strayed from God’s commands. It challenges us to be proactive in addressing sin, not by making excuses or ignoring it, but by taking steps to realign with God’s standards.





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