Christ' Legal Right to the Throne

Matthew 1:1-17 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham...

Many begin to read all these names and wonder why God would You do this to us?  What is the purpose?  I must confess, genealogies in the Bible are not typically my favorite sections but that isn't to say they don't have divine purpose.  In fact, some are low laying fruit easy to pick and some of the most amazing revelations known to man!
This section specifically proves Jesus is the only rightful heir to the throne of David.  The messianic prophecy given to king David first listing Davids fathers but then listing his sons all the way down to Joseph.  Obviously, Joseph wasn't Jesus' blood father, but in Bible culture, adopted sons where more significant to the inheritance.  Jesus is the King of kings.  He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  There is amazing golden nuggets of truth and revelation is you would like to study this genealogy in depth.  Every person listed.  The star however is Jesus!  The promised Messiah to sit on Davids throne was Jesus.  David is the pivot figure the promise was given!  This is historical as well as prophetic.  Jesus' legal right to the throne came thru David.  Davids kingdom was given by Jesus!  Let that sink in.  Side note, there was a point in this genealogy that God cursed the line of Judah that no king from a certain point would ever rule again... Oh, that wont effect Jesus, He is the giver of that word and has that issue all in control.  In fact, only He could of circumvented this curse!  There is a little homework here!  Comment below if you are tracking what Im alluding to?


Sondra - December 5th, 2024 at 7:22am

The blessed lineage of Jesus, tracing back to David is through Mary. The one woman God chose to be the mother of His only begotten Son. Her lineage was blessed, and she was blessed above all women to bear the Messiah, the Savior of all who believe on Him.

Bob - December 5th, 2024 at 9:09am

What is the purpose? This was not for us that believe that Jesus was(is) the Messiah. This was Matthew specifically writing to the Jews as proof through genealogy that He is the rightful heir to the Throne. But some still don't believe. I can't comprehend how those with faith in God, Jesus walking among them and revealing his power did not see and believe He was the Messiah.

Luz - December 5th, 2024 at 9:27am

The genealogy of Jesus is important because it demonstrates that Jesus is a descendant of Abraham and King David, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah would come from this lineage, thereby establishing his legitimacy as the promised Savior to the Jewish people and proving his right to the throne of Israel; essentially showing that Jesus is the awaited Messiah.

nIt is also important to show us God is faithful because this is one of the significant promises to King David.

nThis genealogy is structured in three sections of fourteen generations each, highlighting the significance of God's covenant with Abraham and the lineage of David in Jesus' identity as the awaited King.






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