Praise Him Anywhere

Acts 16:25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Paul being thrown into prison because he cast out this devil from a little girl, and her master lost his cash cow!  The gospel message they were spreading was a threat to worldly living!
Paul & Silas being full of the Holy Spirit, pray and sing praise to God while in this dark, depressing jail.  Really, nothing should change what we give unto God, just a different scenery.  The greater thing here, those in the prison were listening.  They know all about corruption and misery.  Gods people lifts up hope and a different flavor as we exhibit joy in the midst of sorrow.  The prisoners listened and heard them pray and sing.  How uplifting.  I know that jail had the presence of God in a heavy way that night.  There was no better place to be on this planet than there that night as God was doing something earth shattering!  I must always realize, the world doesn't dictate the terms of my life, God allows and filters things and since this is a fact, everything He allows will only bring glory unto Him If I allow the process.  I wonder, how many of those prisoners are in heaven today because of this?  How many generations of folks added to the kingdom due to Paul & Silas simply praying & Praising the LORD?  We know the Jailer and his household got saved.  Living for Jesus Christ ONLY brings victory!  I want to be a soul winner for Jesus!

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