Eager to Examine the Word

Acts 17:10 The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. 11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

The Bereans were not any better than the Thessalonians.  They exercised their spiritual senses and used practical study methods which gave them stability.  Its nice to feel things but feelings don't grow our understanding of God, His word does!  They received the word with ALL eagerness!  We are to test all things by Gods word but when its clearly Gods word, testing ends and reception must take place.  There are times in my life, I don't have a clear word from God and I must pray, seek, test things by the word!  But once I know its Gods word, I receive that word and believe it!  I hold it close and stand upon it.  I'm excited to hear it and the word of God gives me great joy!  Some, I've witnessed, wont receive Gods word no matter how clear it is.  
They examined the word of God.  We must be doers of the word, not just hearers.  I have examined Gods word but what I discover is this, I'm allowing Gods word to examine me!  I read with eyes and a heart that, its not God on trial, its me!  LORD, examine my heart, see if there is anything wicked in me!  I find I don't measure up but my Father only reveals that so that I will measure up.  He gives me desire to be more like Jesus.  So, the Bereans, they allowed themselves to be examined by Gods word thus their lives changed radically!  LORD, examine me and I examine Your word and receive what it says to me.

1 Comment

Son - December 5th, 2023 at 7:07am

Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You. Hidden treasure that blossoms into a life only God could provide.





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