Direction or Information by the Holy Spirit

Acts 21:4 (And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days. They told Paul through the Spirit not to go up to Jerusalem.

Sailing to Tyre, north of Israel off the coast of Lebanon.  They met up with some disciples.  These disciples were listening to the Holy Spirit.  God evidently told them about some troubling news if Paul was to go up to Jerusalem.  They told Paul through the Spirit not to go!  What?  Paul felt by the Spirit that he was to go!  So what do we make of this?  Well, Paul was to go, there was many things he was to suffer but he would reach great men.  I don't see a conflict at all here.  I don't believe the LORD told these disciples to try to stop Paul, but to inform him and pray for him and remind Paul that God is with him.  Often, our minds cant process trust and faith.  They work contrary to the advancement of the kingdom.  Not to say these beloved disciples were not in the right frame of heart.  Many times, our missions to Mexico, well intended brothers and sisters offer some troubling news about dangers there.  I would never refuse Godly counsel in those situations, but when God has settled us, we are set!  Two years ago, the Mexican police arrested a high level cartel guy, there was chaos in Nuevo Laredos streets.  Machine gun fire and all!  Many of the teams, well all but us, cancelled.  We was tossing whether to cancel but things seemed to quit down one day prior so we all in unison set to go!  We would of honored anyone's request to stay home.  All was better than fine!  I got to Preach the gospel at one of the events and several received the LORD in their hearts.  Look, being obedient unto the LORDs call is not always safe but its perfectly safe as you are in His hands.  I have found no safer place than walking in His will.  Paul was going to Jerusalem and he faced a lot of hardships.


Sondra - January 8th, 2024 at 9:33pm

I love this testimony to walking in love and obedience with the Lord.

Missy Holaday - January 9th, 2024 at 8:10am

Amen!! If He's called you to go and has a plan for you, He will protect you. He can't use you in that plan if you die. He's going to keep you safe.




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