Don't trust this worlds systems

Paul Im sure is over being falsely beaten, hurt, and pushed around.  I totally get it.  This world is full of elites with privileges.  As Americans, nobody knows privileges more than us.  The constitution, which our governments don't respect, our Bill of Rights, and much more.  Our politics breed this atmosphere of fighting the other side to maintain.  I'm not saying these fights don't have a time and place.  Just stating the expectations that come with rights!  Now, Paul, born a Roman citizen, had rights most did not enjoy!  Before the Romans beat him, he pipes in:

Acts 22:25 “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman, and uncondemned?”

Im not saying I wouldn't do the same thing, he appeals to the Romans for safety.  Where is his safety?  God alone!  Again, I never fault Paul or any for this, but will this approach be fruitful?  This is a spiritual battle?  The systems and elites of the world are rarely on the side of Gods children.  We are citizens of heaven now.  But, this appeal continues.

Acts 23:3  Then Paul said to him, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! For you sit to judge me according to the law, and do you command me to be struck contrary to the law?”

Now Paul is talking to Aninias, the high priest, this way.  Again, I cant blame him.  I do believe his last buttons were pushed.  He had rights.  We all, get our eyes off the LORD and try to lessen the blow of this world upon us our way for a number of reasons, mainly we think God is moving to slow in delivering us.  Again, I totally get Paul here, it doesn't diminish the great work God did in him, but he was just a man, a sinner as I.  God gets him straight.  God has straightened me out plenty more times.  I've got behind certain politicians whom I felt backed my interests better giving them my energy, WHY?  To prolong this worlds kingdom?  I must live 100% as a citizen of heaven, proclaiming it.  King Jesus is coming again.  No voting, just His word being established and enforced.  We can appeal to the world, exhaust every option the world has, to only be shutdown!  They don't care about our Jesus and living for Him!  I got it!  

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