Experiencing Gods Word

Proverbs 1:2 To know wisdom and instruction, To perceive the words of understanding,
3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity; 4 To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion

Please take notice of the underlined words in these verses.  The natural man, natural physical senses, cant do these things.  This takes a regeneration of my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The natural man rebels from these things.  I grew up hearing truth, seeing it displayed before me yet what happened to me?  I didn't, better yet, couldn't apply or understand what was before me.  It took me surrendering to Jesus and being born again to have these spiritual senses.  This experiential knowledge of God and the things of God.  Of my sin and the deception I was under.  I read the Bible verses many times growing up but never perceived them like now.  To get it!  To understand the bible is speaking about God, and precisely Jesus!  To take it personally and receive the application to my life that if I don't change course, Im heading to hell, the very place my Father made every effort short of forcing me, not to go.  To receive Jesus and the fact that God judged Jesus for all my sin.  He that knew no sin became sin for me.  But also, that I might become righteous.  All the learning in the world, education, Bible college, will never give you these senses.  It only comes from a humble life of repentance from sin and acceptance of Jesus as your Savior.  The Holy Spirit has power to raise you from the dead, in so many ways.


Sondra - February 6th, 2024 at 6:57am

To know Him. A personal, experience of meeting Him is our only way to salvation and the delight of day by day relationship with Him. Jesus, the Way, the truth and the Life. He enables us to choose life, love and joy I Him.

Jon - February 6th, 2024 at 7:27am

And to think, its God who opened up this great relationship to us. He did, and does everything to make available our path with Him to walk together. He is our delight, isnt He?




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